Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Um, Texting Words, I Guess...

Here Are some, uh, texting words!

* LOL-Laugh Out Loud
* TTYL-Talk To You Later
* TTLY-Totally
* W/- With
* L8R-Later
* CYA-See Ya
* Kewl-Cool (I guess that isn't a shortening, just a WAY cooler way to write it.)
* CP-Club Penguin
* Watev-Whatever
* Fave-Favorite
* 2-to-too
* JK-Just Joking
* Betcha-Bet You
Now here are some of my Fave computer smileys!

(: - Happy
): - Sad
Os - Bomb
<3 - Heart
(:> - Happy Party
):> - Sad Party
T_T - Crying Sad
/: - Kinda Happy, Kinda Sad
(:: - Alien Happy
):: - Alien Sad
0: - Shocked
(; - Winky
(' - Uh, One Eyed Happy?
)' - One Eyed Sad
(= - Cartoon Happy
)= - Cartoon Sad
(+ - Alien Happy #2
)+ - Alien Sad #2
~: - Sourface
*_* - Knocked Out
(0: - Happy W/ Clown Nose
)0: - Sad W/ Clown Nose
'_' - OMG. Seriously?
'0' - FishFace
O_O - Wide Eyed
-_-zzz - Sleepy
-_O - Winky #2
:D - Joyful

OK OK OK That's enough. I betcha Ruby can't think of anymore smileys or texting words!

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