Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Independent Girls

Hello ppl! My mom sent me this article about this online magazine for girls like 10-16 (just a guess!) called Independent Girls. You can submit all sorts of things like videos, artwork and posts kinda like a blog! The cool thing is that TONS of ppl will look at it! I'm gonna join and if ur a girl that wants to join, email Julie Simons at: . Here is the article that mom sent me for more info!:

Subject: Writers Needed - Independent Girls, Inc.

Independent Girls, Inc. is a new nonprofit organization based in Florida , that aims to provide positive role models for girls, to get them thinking about goal setting and success, and to give them the tools to be self-confident, emotionally grounded, healthy, and independent.  The main tool for doing this is a website,; (to> be launched before the end of 2009).  Each week the site will feature
a different role model for girls as well as an article related to positive,
healthy girls' development. Â The site will send regularly scheduled
e-mails to girls and parents who subscribe. Â Independent Girls' goal is to
create a counterbalance to the celebrity-saturated, image-based culture of 9 –15 year old girls by providing girls with the strong, positive female role models who are currently missing from teen media and by addressing issues germane to girls’ healthy development. Â

Independent Girls seeks people to write original content for the website and weekly newsletters. Â Writers will identify, research, and write about
topics and trends salient to 9 – 15 year old girls, with an emphasis on what is important/necessary to becoming a healthy, balanced, emotionally grounded, confident girls.  Additional emphasis will be placed on understanding popular culture and developing the critical thinking skills necessary to becoming media literate/savvy.Â

Weekly articles should provide girls with information about things that girls
deal with between the ages of 9 - 15, for example self-esteem, body image, puberty, bullying/ cyberbullying, healthy relationships, eating disorders, healthy eating/nutrition, exercise, time management/stress management, goal setting, leadership, cliques and popularity, frenemies, peer pressure, financial independence, internet safety, and media awareness. Â Articles should be between 250-500 words long; some topics may need to be covered in a series of articles. Â Articles should be informative and easy to read and, most importantly, must engage girls. Â Articles should answer questions that girls have (and perhaps even answer questions that girls didn't even know that they had).Â

The site will also feature blogs where writers can have on-going editorial
columns about different topics.

Please contact Julie Simons if you are interested in getting involved with this project: ÂÂ
Compensation will be per article published and will be based on both the length of the article and how ready for publication the article is upon receipt by Independent Girls.
~Callie CYA!

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