Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Family

And guess what? I'm bored.Sooo, here's A page about my fantabulous family!

This is my mom. We are in Myrtle Beach, SC at a creepy old mansion. My Brothers call it "Luigi's Mansion" like the video game. My mom quit her job so she could homeschool us. She started the Rosendale Food Pantry and I sometimes volunteer on modays. I don't think I could start a food pantry like she did.

This is a picture of Laszlo, (bottom) his friend Olin (middle) and me (at top pushing them into Abby like bumper cars)

This is my mom and Abby at Chuck E Cheese's for Abby's B-Day party.

This is my TOTALLY cute brother Laszlo who had just recently gotten his buzz cut. I call him a fuzzhead. He is 5 years old and the youngest in our family. HE IS SO CUTE!

This is my other brother Karsten winning the soapbox derbie (FIRST PLACE!!!). He had entered his DJK Music Jammer and this year (2009) and he got first prize, a trophy and THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS! I am SOOO entering a car next year and I KNOW I am gonna win.

This is my Dad. He is a musician and he works at IBM. He is gone most of the day but he always comes home with a smile on his face. Unless he had to fire someone that day. (:

This is a picture I took a few minutes ago of my sister Abby. She is 11 years old and she is my one and only sister. We share a room (UGH!!!) together and sometimes she keeps me up at night saying how she's bored and she can't get to sleep, but, she is my sister(: .

Alyssa and Halli aren't really in my family but friends count. Halli (bottom right) used to be my friend but she was kinda, you know, immature. She is only 8 and I'm 12 now. But it was nice knowing her. We were not the same in, really, any way other than both being homeschoolers so it was kinda awkward. Alyssa (middle) is my BFF (don't worry Ruby, your my BFF too!) since i was First Grade. Thats a long time because I'm going into 7th. But our friendship has never failed! You know Abby (top right) of course by now. Just so you know, It was an easter party! That explains the bunny outfit I'm wearing (left).

I decided to include this picture cause Abby just finished putting the makeup on me now. Can't you see I love it? For those who don't understand sarcasm, I HATE IT. It's not like I'm a TomBoy or anything (Wait, am I? I have to make a poll after this! I'm not quite sure!) but I hate getting makeup put on! I just look sooo AKWARD.

Well there you have it. My Family, My Friends and I. I don't expect YOU to care, but when I'm bored, I DON'T REALLY CARE.

1 comment:

  1. even though i was at the easter party, why should i be in the picture jk i don't care and i am hiding behind callie lol
