Friday, August 28, 2009

i am very mad that for eclipse ( twilight saga) Bryce Dallas Howard is playing Victoria instead of Rachelle Lafevre!! and also have any of you seen the new pic of Marcus?!?! zombie all the way through, he still misses his "mate" from 3,0000,00 years ago! i will do a better post later ttyl


  1. Um, is Rachelle Lafevre the person that played Victoria in Twilight? If so, she was perfect! Now I'll have to look up Eclipse. Wait, did you mean New Moon? I wouldn't think that they are already planning for the third movie. Well I'll check it out soon! Oh, do you like the blog theme colors? Do you think they might be too girly? E-mail me l8r!

  2. um, the comment above this is by

    CALLIE! <3 lol @:

  3. call me ruby! actually ill call u kk? i want u 2 come sleep over really soon! or mayB the other way around. cya l8r! LOL!


  4. yes it said it on a fan site and i saw a pic

  5. Do you like my pic of RPattison? Hilarious right! I love things you can do with the Windows Painting Program. Like those cute penguins? If you ever want me to mess up a pic for you, save the pic to your computer, then attach it to an email to me. Also say what you want messed up! I'm gonna go mess up a pic of Abby! TEEHEE. TTYL
