Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Viewers Please!

I decided to check the amount of times this blog has been looked at and I am disappointed. Approximately 23 views! Please, we want people to look at our blog! Tell everyone you know and if you have any suggestions on how we can make this blog more enjoyable, please don't be shy! And Erica, don't just say It's wonderful and blah Dee blah, tell us what you really think! We want people to look at our blogs and maybe even follow them so we can connect with more preteens and maybe even a unschooler or two! My email is protected (sooo annoying!) so email my mom at and say "Please forward to Callie!" and she would be happy to forward it to me! Thanks, and please give me your thoughts via email or comment!

cya ppls!

1 comment:

  1. It's wonderful and blah Dee blah ..... (oh, wait, that's what you *don't* want me to say, right?! ; )

    I think it's cool you're doing face painting for the food drive. Love it! I guess I wish I heard more about your daily life, like what you're up to and what you think about whatever it is that you encounter. Or something that challenged you, or something that moves you. But I honestly just like your blog the way it is, too, so there! : )
