Sunday, October 4, 2009

Plant A Billion Bake Sale

I had another Bake Sale for the Nature Conservancy's Plant a Billion Program, but we got less money than last time! I made flyers and hung them everywhere and had it at a public playground! We got 35-38 dollars, I need to recount. My two friends Leela and Amy helped me by bringing food and working with me the whole time. I made apple muffins, brownies, Pillsbury Halloween cookies and Lemonade. Leela and Amy made Chocolate cupcakes and chocolate cookies. EVERYTHING was delicious! We had a great time pointing out ever single person that walked onto the playground and trying not to eat the yummy food! I want to continue thinking of different things to do to raise money, because it is sooo fun!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like you did well on the bake sale, congratulations! Those treats sound *awesome*.

    I have an idea for you. I need some non-dairy baked goods for an event I have coming up - would you be willing to make a couple of things, and I'll pay you for them? And maybe the proceeds could go to PAB? Just a thought, let me know if you're interested. xo
