Monday, June 14, 2010

Pancake FAIL

Ok here's a little story I wrote.

Once upon a time my brother said to me "Callie, would you make me a pancake?". "Sure Laszlo." was my reply. So I went into the kitchen and mixed some pancake mix with water and got the blueberries out of the fridge. I started up the oven, put the pan on it and poured the batter into the pan.I dropped a few blueberries on it and mmm it smelled delish! I waited until it bubbled on top and thats when it all started. I guess I was supposed to grease the pan, I don't know, but the pancake did NOT want to flip. I took a peek underneath and it looked done but it wasn't flipping over correctly. Well, I tried and tried, and I FAILED. That's when Laszlo came in. He took one look at my FAILED pancake and started laughing. "It will probably still taste good..." I said not too sure. That just made him laugh even more. "Make sure you cut it up for him!" said my mom from the other room. "I doubt I will need to." I replied staring at my pan. Finally, I piled my pancake onto a cute little blue plate, added some maple syrup and put it on the table. Heres a picture:
My brother ate like two bites and walked away, do you blame him?

*This was a TRUE story!*


  1. I just made some eggs this morning, and I made ABSOLUTELY sure to grease the pan!

  2. I am a failure at pancakes. ;)

  3. aww, no ur not (cough cough yes, yes ur are cough cough) ;)
