Tuesday, May 4, 2010

School teachers, and what they have come to.

Hello fellow School students and or Ex-Students. So, you all obviously have had experience with school teachers, and you obviously know their job, but do some teachers take it a little too far? So, the question came to me today when my teacher was "talking" to us about how disappointed she was in some of the class for goofing around when the teacher wasn't here and we had a sub. now, I TOTALLY get it but... that sort of, ask-you-a-question-but-only-let you-answer-with a nod-sortta-thing, should not, I repeat not, go on for that long, to children who are not you own, and singling out children to give, "the glare" to, is not, in my opinion, acceptable from a teacher. Also, when my friends talk about mean teachers, that shouldn't be happening. I mean, Mothers and Fathers, parents and guardians can do whatever they want, but teachers should feel like they have boundaries, and don't get me wrong, some do and follow them directly, but some, most, don't...... We had a sub last week, and she was admittedly mean. Someone in my class said "oh she doesn't like kids" and she heard that, but she didn't care. but then, someone said, "how dare she!" she heard that too, but this time she cared, she cared a whole lot. "how dare i? how dare you!" she went on and on, and i would rather not indulge in what she said. so yeah, feel free to comment about some bad school experiences for YOU! so long for now! toodles ~ Ruby! :)

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