Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I Won The Pickle Drawing Contest!!!

Here is a HILARIOUS story. My sister wanted to go to the Market-Market (Great name, huh) down the street so I gave her money and asked her to get me a bagel with cream cheese. Mom also asked her to stop at the Rosendale Youth Center to get some papers. So after maybe 10 minutes, my sister came back with a small package and an envelope. The package was my bagel. In the envelope, though, was the papers mom had asked for and something else, an award! I had went to the Rosendale Pickle Festival with a friend and we started getting bored so we entered a "Pickle Person" Drawing Contest. Turns out I got Third place! I thought the pickle was horrible! I guess I never figured the judges liked pickles with blue suits on! I got a big white ribbon and the "Prize Winning Pickle Person" I drew. It makes me laugh!


  1. hahaha man it feels good to be on the computer again!!! on moms computer strict supervision! my computer died!! boohoooboohooboohoo :(

  2. Congratulations on the pickle award! What a funny surprise! : )
