Thursday, November 18, 2010

wow, its been awhile!

Sorry its been so long since i blogged guys! its just with school and all, its hard to fit in time! i am going to start blogging everyday, but not on this exact blog! my new blog will be called 10yrs and going! it is going to be about anything and EVERYTHING you can blog about! i'll probably be doing a post a week on this blog, because thatas all i can fit into my scheduale, so ya!cusoon!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

pictures of me

now you know what i look like!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010


where has my cat baby been, oh my gawd, wait, OMG LOOK AT THIS NEWSPAPER ARTICLE!


Monday, June 14, 2010

Pancake FAIL

Ok here's a little story I wrote.

Once upon a time my brother said to me "Callie, would you make me a pancake?". "Sure Laszlo." was my reply. So I went into the kitchen and mixed some pancake mix with water and got the blueberries out of the fridge. I started up the oven, put the pan on it and poured the batter into the pan.I dropped a few blueberries on it and mmm it smelled delish! I waited until it bubbled on top and thats when it all started. I guess I was supposed to grease the pan, I don't know, but the pancake did NOT want to flip. I took a peek underneath and it looked done but it wasn't flipping over correctly. Well, I tried and tried, and I FAILED. That's when Laszlo came in. He took one look at my FAILED pancake and started laughing. "It will probably still taste good..." I said not too sure. That just made him laugh even more. "Make sure you cut it up for him!" said my mom from the other room. "I doubt I will need to." I replied staring at my pan. Finally, I piled my pancake onto a cute little blue plate, added some maple syrup and put it on the table. Heres a picture:
My brother ate like two bites and walked away, do you blame him?

*This was a TRUE story!*

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Top Five Pet Names

Here are five pet name Top 5's!

Top Five Male Dog Names:
1. Max
2. Buddy
3. Jake
4. Rocky
5. Bailey

Top Five Female Dog Names:
1. Molly
2. Maggie
3. Daisy
4. Lucy
5. Sadie

Top Five Male Cat Names:
1. Max
2. Sam
3. Simba
4. Charlie
5. Oliver

Top Five Female Cat Names:
1. Sassy
2. Misty
3. Missy
4. Princess
5. Samantha

Top Five Fish Names:
1. Sushi (kinda sick actually)
2. Bubbles
3. Lucky
4. Neptune
5. Princess
